Product Details

Product Information

Colemanite is a natural source of boron and calcium and is a powerful melter. If you use too much it can cause a glaze to delayer from a ware (decrepitation).

It is advisable to sieve with 200# mesh and remove coarse materials.

Source: UK

For advice and further reading read our 'Using Raw Materials' PDF.


B2O3 50.80%, CaO 27.30%*

*General analysis, not supplied by the supplier.

Health & Safety

Colemanite is considered a nuisance dust; therefore, we recommend wearing a FFP3/P3 Mask. Keep working areas free of dust by cleaning up with a damp sponge.

In keeping with our overall general advice, we suggest wearing full PPE when handling raw materials. This includes a mask, safety
glasses, and gloves. We also suggest working in a well ventilated area.

It is a sensible precaution for children not to work with raw materials.

See the SDS in the product attachments for more information.

Product Attachments

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