Product Details

Product Information

A stoneware brush-on glaze range created with the idea of having one colour "floating" on top of another colour.

Firing Range

1149°C to 1243°C (Cone 5 to Cone 6).

Health & Safety

Lead free and non-toxic.

Good housekeeping is essential in any pottery studio to minimise inhalation of silica dust. Always clean up with a damp sponge and if any dust from the dried brush-on is airborne. wear an FFP3/P3 mask.

Click here for information on food safety.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Deborah Fox (United Kingdom)
Lovely rich colour and only need 2 coats !

This is a lovely glaze, breaking beautifully on texture- what is even more amazing is that it only needs 2 thick coats rather than 3 or 4 like some other popular USA brands.. I will definitely be exploring more Spectrum products.
