Product Details

Product Information

The set includes 6 x 40ml pots.

Taking inspiration from Old English Slipware, Hot Clay has created its own slips to match the colours found in traditional 17th-century pottery.

In the past, a technique was to use local dark-coloured clays, for the creation of their wares. Red earthenwares were common. These then
were covered in a slip, which was made from clay and water but coloured with a raw material such as an oxide. They were then fired to a bisque
temperature and fired once more with a lead-based transparent glaze.

Hot Clay’s slips are made using safer ingredients. They use a simple ball clay and coloured stain which have been designed to give a yellow, honey, warm tone, that the original older pots would have had.

These can then be used with our regular Vitraglaze Earthenware Shiny Transparent. This is a lot safer than using the leaded versions. For
this reason, this product could be used in education. See the lesson plan and suggested Links.

The slips can be applied by slip trailer, brush or dipped. Decoration can be obtained by combing, using fingers. Scratching through the surface (sgraffito), or painting and calligraphy.

Colours include: Light Cream, Orange, Ochre, Dark Brown, Green and Tan.

Select the colour for the individual product and SDS.

The slip has a thick consistency and can be watered down for application.

See the 'Product Attachment' for suggested clay bodies and firing temperatures.

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