Product Details

Product Information

Size: 5kg

The clay has a plasticiser which makes it very pliable and malleable. It is often used in the making of delicate flower decorations but can be used for other small modelling details.

Texture: Smooth.

Unfired characteristics: Very soft and plastic.

Fired colour: White.

Grog: 0%, 0 mm grain size

Firing Range

Bisque: 950°C

Glaze Firing: 1220°C to 1240°C (cone 6)

Working Notes

If you have made flowers in cake decoration you will find this a similar process. An artist 'Carolyn Clayton' specialises with this clay and has popularised it through her You Tube videos. Follow the link to see her work and for helpful advice.

Further inspiration can be found by researching names such as Hitom Hosono who make flower inspired modelling.

Health & Safety

As the clay contains crystalline silica avoid inhaling the dust from dried-out clay. Wear an FFP/P3 mask and filters, wash hands after use and clean up using a damp sponge. Dust off dirty clothes and aprons outside.

Click here for information on food safety.

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