Product Details

Product Information

Size: 2.5kg

Sand can be used for many purposes in ceramics. It can be put on kiln shelves as a protection from the odd splatter of glaze. When placed under a large flat ware in a kiln, it will allow movement thus reducing friction. It can be added to clay bodies as a ‘grog’ giving engineering strength and reducing shrinkage.

Mesh Size: #60 see attachment for breakdown.

For advice and further reading read our 'Using Raw Materials' PDF.


SiO2 100%

General analysis, not supplied by the supplier.

Health & Safety

Sand is not hazardous to health, but we advocate eye protection. Keep working areas free of dust cleaning up with a damp sponge.

In keeping with our overall general advice, we also suggest wearing full PPE mask, safety glasses, gloves in a ventilated area.

It is a sensible precaution for children not to work with raw materials.

See the technical document in the product attachments for more information.

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