Product Details

Product Information

Size: 5kg

A very smooth black porcelain and designed for cone 6 temperatures. The manufacturers claim, if fired within recommended firing range it can be used as tableware, as the ingredient used for making it black is of a ceramic stain and is compliant with American and UK/EU food labelling standards.

Texture: Smooth

Unfired characteristics: Very soft and plastic.

Fired colour: Black

Shrinkage: 5.7% from dry to fired.

Grog: 0%, 0 mm grain size

Firing Range

Ideal bisque: 1000°C (cone 06)

Glaze range: 1200°C to 1240°C (cone 5 - cone 6)

Working Notes

A very smooth clay, creamy almost like butter, not easy for the beginner so you might want to have some experience with other clays before throwing with this.

Health & Safety

As the clay contains crystalline silica avoid inhaling the dust from dried-out clay. Wear an FFP/P3 mask and filters, wash hands after use and clean up using a damp sponge. Dust off dirty clothes and aprons outside.

Click here for information on food safety.

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