Spectrum Stoneware Glaze: Holly Green 1111
Versatile glazes that don't need high temperatures.
£13.93 ex. VAT
Product Details
Product Information
Size: 473ml brush-on liquid glaze.
This is a pre-mixed, brush-on stoneware glaze, formulated to produce reactions during the firing cycle to give interesting and beautiful effects. This glaze has the perfect consistency for brushing, where 3 applications are needed, or the glaze can be watered down slightly to make it easier to dip or pour.
Firing Range
1140°C to 1243°C (Cone 4 to Cone 6).
Working Notes
The colour sample shows the result of applying 3 applications of this glaze to white stoneware and firing to Cone 5 in an oxidation atmosphere; different results should be expected in reduction and/or if using a different colour clay body.
All of the Spectrum Stoneware 1100 series glazes are compatible with each other, giving exciting effects when layered with a few coats of each glaze. Give it a try!
Health & Safety
Lead free and non-toxic.
Good housekeeping is essential in any pottery studio to minimise inhalation of silica dust. Always clean up with a damp sponge and if any dust from the dried brush-on is airborne. wear an FFP3/P3 mask.
Click here for information on food safety.